A Gold Star – Denman Shoreline Beauties Begin

Nature Reports
By newt

Home » Nature Reports » A Gold Star – Denman Shoreline Beauties Begin

Our rocky cliff shorelines are stunning for not only their geography but also for the many fragile beauties that thrive in these harsh places.  While many sites are being gradually eroded or over-grown by weedy invasive plants, some delicate wildflowers persist and these brightly-coloured mats of flower are a dazzling spring display.  Perhaps not as widespread or as noticeably impressive as Hornby Island’s rock-cliffs, our few rocky shorelines are gorgeous none-the-less.

Some of the first out so far:

(Also seen coming out recently were the lovely western saxifrage  Saxifraga occidentalis )

Gold star Corcidium multicaule
Gold star Corcidium multicaule
Blue-eyed Mary  Collinsia parviflora
Blue-eyed Mary Collinsia parviflora
Monkey-flower  Mimulus alsinoides
Monkey-flower Mimulus alsinoides