Valens Brook New Nature Reserve

By J. Millen

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Congratulations to Dr. Kal Holsti and Marilyn Wan for their generous donation of land to the Islands Trust Fund, creating the new Valens Brook Nature Reserve. 

More information is available at:
This latest addition of about 4 hectares makes the total of protected land on Denman Island very close to 25% of the Island’s land area. In 2005 only about 5% of the Island was in Park or Nature Reserve status. Since then Provincial Park land has been increased by the addition of all Crown land to BC Parks (258 hectares) and the acquisition of private land for BC Parks (492 hectares). The addition of Nature Reserves, Conservation Covenants and acquisitions since 2005 in all of which Denman Conservancy was instrumental totals 342 hectares. The grand total of 1255 hectares is 24.6% of the 5108 hectares total area of Denman Island.
25% is a very respectable proportion of land to be kept in its natural state. And this number doesn’t take into account the careful stewardship of natural habitats by many private land owners on the Island.