Monitoring Bald Eagles

Nature Reports
By J. Millen

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Eagle nest-tree observers, photo by Mike Yip
Denman’s Bald eagle nest-tree stewards are monitoring Denman’s eagle productivity.
So far, of the 30 nests being monitored, 16 may be actively occupied by juvenile eagles. In July the juveniles start to spend more time standing up near the edge of the nest and thus they are more visible to monitors observing from below. Recently monitoring of shoreline nest-trees was tried from the ocean. Despite very windy weather, 10 nests were examined. The results were very worthwhile. A new nest was identified from the ocean-viewing vantage point. Another nest that was thought to be empty and is very difficult to see from land, was occupied by a juvenile. Overall six juvenile eagles were seen from the ocean. Monitoring will continue through July.